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    01.08.2020 02:53 , von freemeetz.com
    There's no training school on how to not be a shitty boyfriend or girlfriend. Sure, we get taught the biology of sex, the legal ins and outs of marriage, and maybe we read a few obscure love stories from the 19th century on how not to be an ass-face.
    Without clear s from adults, what we're left with is basically trial-and-error, and if you're like most people, it's mostly error.
    Enter: a string of toxic relationships as we fumble through an already complex dating world.
    One of the problems is that a lot of toxic relationship habits are baked into our culture. We worship romantic love—you know, that dizzying and irrational kind that somehow finds breaking china plates on the wall in a fit of tears somewhat endearing. And we scoff at practicality or unconventional sexualities. Men and women are encouraged to objectify each other and to objectify their romantic relationships. Thus, our partners are often seen as achievements or prizes rather than someone to share mutual emotional support.
    A lot of the self-help literature out there isn't helpful either. And for most of us, mom and dad surely weren't the best examples either.

    1. You feel the need to change who you are to make your partner happy.
    2. You have to defend your significant other to family and friends.
    3. Nitpicking and criticism -- even if said in jest -- are constants in the relationship.
    4. You're  wonderng what your partner is up to when you're not around.
    5. Your partner makes all of the big relationship decisions.
    6. Your sex life is seriously lacking.
    7. You want more "me" time -- but your partner wants more "we" time.
    8. You feel personally responsible for your partner's happiness.
    9. Your partner controls who you see and what you do.
    10. You find yourself wondering if you're in the wrong relationship.
  • Virus-testing rules for air passengers traveling in and out of Dubai, the UAE (0 Antworten)
    09.07.2020 10:54 , von freemeetz.com

    DUBAI: Summer travel in the UAE is set to soar as federal restrictions are eased, students finish school, and tourists return to Dubai.

    However, Dubai has its own crisis authority and immigration service, and different rules from the rest of the country.
    Travel regulations were updated last Friday by the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA), the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
    UAE residents and citizens can now travel to any destination as long as health and safety measures are met.

    Before booking flights, Dubai residents traveling abroad this summer are being advised to apply to Dubai's immigration service, the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA), for permission to leave, and also return to, the country.